While I like to think that every day is Earth Day in our house, I know that when the internationally recognized Earth Day pops up on the calendar, it’s a chance to get others thinking about things they can do to show their consideration for this great big planet of ours.
Earth Day started in San Francisco in 1970 to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s natural environment. Why San Francisco? Well it’s the city named after Saint Francis, the patron saint of ecology. That, and there was a senator there who decided to hold a “teach-in” on April 22, 1970 to educate and mobilize people on environmental issues. To everyone’s surprise, 20 million Americans participated in colleges and universities, while environmental groups also came together recognizing they shared common values.
Now lead by the Earth Day Network, 1 billion people participate in Earth Day activities on April 22 each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. The network works year round to broaden the environmental movement through education, programs and partnerships that affect change at the local, national and international level.
And for little ol’ you and me, Earth Day is a chance to reflect – ideally with the whole family – on ways to help preserve and protect our environment, and more importantly, act. Whether you have a discussion at the dinner table, get the kids involved in some garden activities or crafts, or simply pledge your act of green along with millions of others on the Earth Day website, no gesture is too small.
Tell us your act of green right here and you have a chance to win a $100 gift voucher from Itty Bitty Greenie. Add your comment below – and one lucky greenie will be chosen and notified on April 23.
For more information, visit the Earth Day Network, which has a variety of tools to help you plan your own Earth Day event, or simply pledge your act of green, right along with millions of others across the globe.
Also, visit our “Earth Day” board on Pinterest, for more tips and activities to get your green on this year.
Emily says:
I too try to make every day earth day in my house.
– keep the TV off.
– Encourage outdoor play – cuts down on lights, batteries etc. Visit a different park in our local area most days (we are lucky to have many parks in walking distance).
– grow some of our own food – reduced packagng, reduced food mileage, teaching my son how to enjoy the outdoors
– shop at the local farmers market, supplemented with food from the greengrocers, avoid supermarkets where possible
– ride a bike, with the baby on the back, walk with the big pram where I need to carry more.
– practice reduce-reuse-recycle in our house. Reusable bags, waterbottles, cloth nappies.
That’s off the top of my head!
Sharyn H says:
As i pretty much do all the general environment stuff ie. worm farms, compost, vegie patch, recycle, reuse, no chemical cleaners etc etc so this year i am pledging to do something i have not done as much as i should – that is – I pledge to reduce my spending on consuming items i really do not need (i would like to say stop spending but i think i still need to buy my children a present or two for their birthdays
Blair Harley says:
My Eco pledge is to be more conscious of where items are produced & grown. I’m going to be aware when I’m shopping to look for organic, fair trade and/or Australian made. Oh, and we just started a worm farm and veggie patch – my daughter is thrilled! Thanks for the opportunity
Sara L says:
I am actually having a very Earthy weekend. Yesterday I hosted an Enjo party and can now clean my entire house with just water! And today the three of us (my husband, 17 mo daughter, and myself) have been outside working on our vege and herb gardens. And when my daughter has a.sleep we are going to start the restoration process on our 100 year old timber windows. Recycle and reuse!
Sara says:
I planted carrots today. I try to keep the earth healthy by keeping my rubbish in the bin. I like to care for the earth’s animals too. – Iset age 9
I like planting flowers. I water them and give them things to help them grow. Then I bring them inside for the table. – Alexander age 6
I pledge to live by the saying ‘less is more’ in everything I do. – Sara
delta says:
And the winner is…
Sara, Iset and Alexander! We love that you had your kids submit their acts of green as well!
Thanks to all who participated – Emily, Sharyn, Blair, and Sara L, you are an inspiration! I’m so impressed by your efforts
I’ll be sending your a little thank-you as well…
Have a great week. X Donna