I’m all for supporting educational initiatives that get the itty bitties in our life thinking about ways to protect the environment, so when I was approached by Disney Junior about reviewing their latest Handy Manny DVD that focuses on ways families can “go green”, I thought it was an interesting idea.
After all, I do have a tool and building-obsessed three-year-old at home who I knew would delight in taking up the task with me.
For those who may not know this character, Handy Manny is kind of like the Spanish-speaking cousin of Bob the Builder, or perhaps a relation of Dora the Explorer – with adventures focused on building and fixing things. He has a cast of talking tools that help him with the handyman jobs he sets out to do in each episode. (We like Stretch, the talking tape measure, the best).
This “go green” themed DVD has six episodes, each with its own inspiring story about facing challenges associated with preserving nature and building new things with eco alternatives.
Manny and his team learn about protecting wildlife and saving baby turtles, and discover the advantages of solar power and ways to conserve energy, among other things.
Aidan definitely loves the episode about saving the baby turtles the best, but I was delighted that he scored really well at the “Livin la Vida Verde” bonus feature game as well, which involves a quiz on recycling and living green. I guess he really has picked up some useful green living information along the way.
Itty Bitty Greenie is delighted to be giving away two copies of the Handy Manny: Manny’s Green Team DVD. To enter, just comment below on how you and your family have tried to live green lately. Whether its installing eco light bulbs or solar power, growing your own veggies or switching to green cleaners, we’d love to hear your tips!
Winners will be announced on June 17.
Francesca says:
We try to install good values in our 4yr old nephew by teaching him to recycle and separate his rubbish. We buy him Eco toys, organic cotton clothes and have taught him it’s important to look after all creatures. This DVD would be for him!
Michelle Vamvas says:
We recycle and reuse items for crafts.
We have energy efficient light globes and we have regular earth hours where we turn off all the power and play board games by torchlight.
We reuse envelopes for writing notes on them.
We have a vegie patch and a herb garden.
Jess Frisch says:
After having a very fussy 4 yr old, we started a vege garden and included her in the planting, growing, watering etc and it was amazing to not only watch her amazement at the pants growing, but the enjoyment in eating what she grew! Great way to get a fussy child to eat veges!
clarissa mason says:
We used all eco friendly light bulbs. Have installed rope clotheslines in the shed instead of using dryer. Recently helped at daughters prep class to build a vegetable garden and new trees through the school yard and my daughter loved it so this weekend we just build our very own first vegetable garden at home to go with our orange and banana trees. The kids loved when the trees come into season and they get to pick their own fruit. We dont watch tv after kids are alseep so we use hardly any power at all.
shellie drydale says:
my kids would love this dvd. they are very green little boys. (5 and 3). they always make me pick up people’s rubbish when we are out and about and they tell me all about the damage that these items can do to wildlife if left on the ground. they make sure that lights and power points are always turned off at home. they love growing vegetables (though we are not very successful….) and they are great at saving water. we walk everywhere. and they have a good attitude about only buying things that we really need and being sure that what we buy is sustainable (as much as possible). I am very proud of them. i think this generation will make a great difference to the earth.
shellie drydale says:
my five year old is at school and has just learnt to write. he wanted some writing paper to send letters to people (including the Queen!). so we gathered up some used papers (from colouring in etc.) and made our own handmade paper
it was such fun! it looks great. we decorated it with leaves from the garden. it was so much easier than i thought. we are planning our next lot of paper making
Sara L says:
My cloth bummed daughter and I spend a lot of time outside in our herb and vege garden but lately we have been working on some upcycling projects. We painted a side table my husband made in year 10 into a cool piece of retro furniture.