Jack N’ Jill Biodegradable Toothbrush – Hippo
Ever wonder how many toothbrushes we go through in a lifetime, and how long they sit in the landfill? Finally there’s an eco-friendly option that kids will love, with rounded nylon bristles for superior cleaning, and ergonomic handle made from 100% corn starch that can be added to your compost.
Brushing Tips
It's important to always keep your toothbrush clean!
Rinse off bristles under water before and after brushing. Run your thumb backwards and forwards across the bristles to clean effectively.
Shake off excess water.
Store upright in Jack N' Jill Biodegradable Bathroom cup to allow bristles to air-dry.
For general hygiene, store toothbrush as far away from toilet area as possible.
We recommend replacing toothbrushes every 8 weeks and after illness.
Available in four kid-friendly designs!
How to use
Disposal Instructions:
Break off toothbrush head.
Discard thoughtfully. Check with local recycling programs if suitable (Nylon is recyclable).
Place the rest of the toothbrush into your compost. (Typically takes 90 days to break down in a commercial compost.)
ergonomic design is handmade from 100% corn starch, which is biodegradable / compostable
recycled packaging